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Cecile Sam, PT, GCS, CEEAA

Step up your fitness with Nordic Walking!

As a physical therapist, I always like to find different ways to promote mobility and physical activity. I find that there is a huge gap to fill between aging adults’ healthy state and impairment. Believe me, I have seen enough chronic illnesses in my practice that could have been highly preventable! The impact of impairments caused by illnesses can be huge and oftentimes cause significant limitation to someone’s physical function . We need enough physical and cognitive reserve to achieve success in aging and prevention is the key! Exercise has stronger benefits than anyone can appreciate, it is one of the best medicines, if I can only emphasize and preach that enough!

I am excited to introduce and integrate Urban Poling to my practice! Urban Poling or Nordic Walking has toning, calorie burning, and posture benefits that have made it popular in Europe for decades and is a new workout favorite in Canada. I am impressed by the benefits it brings to one’s cardiovascular conditioning.

Unlike typical walking, Urban poling engages not only your lower extremities but also your core and upper body muscles. It engages 90% of your muscles (shown on the figure above) and burns up to 46% more calories than walking alone! It is evidence-based with over 300 peer-reviewed studies. It reduces pressure on the knees and hips while walking. Urban Poling is inclusive by providing two kinds of poles designed for individuals who may require more support in their workouts and those who do not. The coolest thing is that it can be used on all activity levels. It can be integrated in rehabilitation for Parkinson’s Disease, Diabetes, post-stroke, breast CA, cardiovascular fitness, post-op total hip and knee replacements, postural correction, balance training , and many more!

Some of the reasons to start Urban Poling for active adults are:

1. Nordic walking is the perfect solo activity. Choose neighborhood sidewalks, explore local hiking trails or workout in your own home. No need for a partner or to organize a team.

2. Make social distancing easy! Nordic walking with friends or at an instructor-led class adds an uplifting and energizing social component. Physical distancing happens easily when walking single file because the swinging poles naturally keep people apart!

3. It’s a breath of fresh air! According to public health officials, exercising outdoors is an excellent way to avoid both interacting with other people and breathing in re-circulated air. It also supports your mental, emotional, and physical health needs.

4. Get out into nature! Moving in nature, amongst trees, flowers and peaceful surroundings helps reduce anger and depression. It also boosts your mood. You reap these rewards at any exercise intensity level.

5. Learn the Nordic walking basics online and get moving successfully the first day with your poles. Urban Poling offers online how-to videos, links to virtual classes and online getting-started articles. Certified Urban Poling instructors offer one-on-one live training across the country.

6. Doctors love it! Medical professionals know that walking is powerful medicine and also that adding poles increases its value. Physical therapists love that the poles let you offload weight from your lower body joints, strengthen your upper body, and help with balance.

7. Get the right poles to get the full benefits. Urban Poling’s award-winning Nordic walking poles and ACTIVATOR poles (for people with balance and stability issues) will last you a lifetime. Add a sturdy pair of shoes and comfortable clothes, and you’re ready to move.

8. The world is your gym! Keep your poles by your front door, at your desk, or in your trunk. Just grab them and go whenever you need an energy boost.

Although it is a great activity, there are some who may not be appropriate to use the poles. I would love to speak with you if you have any questions or if you are interested to learn how use them!

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